Getting Started with eTax

Filing your Returns

Managing PAYE, Withholding Tax



Upload and View Annual Returns

Upload and View Monthly Schedule

Upload and View Withholding

Make Payment

Introduction: Easy Management of PAYE and Withholding Tax

A step-by-step guide to filing returns / schedules.


The eTax portal is designed to automate payment, filing of PAYE and Withholding taxes. Taxpayers get to see their tax history and can print receipt from this site.

This guide will walk you through the steps to use the eTax portal. A document template for download is provided; taxpayers can choose convenient payment option of their choice.


The diagram below provides a visual representation of the eTax portal. This is to help understand the activities that can be carried out on the portal.


This guide is divided into four short chapters

  1. How to Onboard: Enter KGTIN and set password
  2. Upload Annual PAYE Returns : Enter and save data in the correct format,upload and view annual PAYE returns
  3. Upload Monthly Schedule : Enter and save data in the correct format, upload and view monthly schedule
  4. Upload/View Withholding Tax Schedule : Enter and save data in the correct format, upload and view withholding tax schedule.
  5. Make Payment : Choose payment option most suitable for you and proceed to make payment